Syndrome Catatonic Vaccinated

Catatonic chained syndrome (Cutcock syndrome) is a mental abnormality that is characterized by the occurrence of muscle rigidity, emotional disturbances, and changes in the patient’s behavior. Symptoms of this pathology can appear in childhood and accompany a person throughout his life. Depending on the cause, Cutcock syndrome can be simple or complex. Simple and complex Cutcox syndromes are fundamentally different from each other because simple syndrome results from exposure to incurable mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. A complex syndrome can arise due to various neurological problems that require treatment and recovery.

Complex Cutcox syndrome is a very severe form of mental abnormality. It mainly affects older people and children suffering from mental disorders. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of a catatonic form of behavior, in which muscle fixation occurs. If this is a short-term syndrome, it is called catatonia. The long-term syndrome consists of the formation of a catatonic