Colidistal syndrome

Colidistal syndrome is a rare disease, but its manifestations are extremely unpleasant for the patient: the colon, ileum or cecum is usually affected. At the same time, the syndrome is not so dangerous as to recommend surgical intervention after diagnosis. Treatment of colidital syndrome includes drug therapy and diet.

Colidistal syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur in diseases of the large intestine. A synonym for the word "intestine" is "large intestine". What does the word colidistal mean? From the Latin "colon" is translated as "large intestine", and the word "distalis" means "remote", that is, "attaching or pertaining to the end of the body." So colidistal syndrome can be translated as “symptoms or signs of diseases of the colon.” Colidistol syndrome is very common. According to statistics, almost 50% of people in the world experience some kind of intestinal disease. It is worth knowing that the intestine ranks second in volume among the organs and systems of the body. In addition, it is a vital organ. What's not a reason to start worrying about your health after 20 years? Clinical manifestations of colidystolic syndrome include pain in the lower abdomen to colic, nausea, and flatulence. These symptoms may be worsened by constipation and diarrhea. More severe forms of the disease include the presence of blood in the stool and uncontrolled painful bowel movements.

Diseases associated with colidistural syndrome are usually caused by a malnutrition of the cells of the rectum and rectus muscle, in particular due to the effects of diseases such as ulcerative colitis, intestinal cancer, Crohn's disease, and allergic colitis. Because of this, a serious disruption in the functioning of the colon often occurs. There is discomfort and problems with defecation. When symptoms worsen, it is important to take a number of measures to relieve inflammatory processes. But this procedure should be entrusted only to an experienced doctor who will conduct a diagnostic examination and prescribe therapy. Otherwise, any therapeutic methods may complicate the course of the disease. Don't forget about proper nutrition. Diet is one of the key components when a patient has colidodistal syndrome. Food for this disease