Sphenoidal fissure syndrome

This medical name is found in various textbooks on otolaryngology to mean any gap in the body of the sphenoid bone (anterior, middle, superior or posterior). Therefore, it should never be consumed in its pure form. To achieve the correctness of the term, it is necessary to add to it two letter abbreviations in Latin writing, indicating the position of the defect relative to the entrance (i.e.

Sphenoidal fissure syndrome is a pathological condition characterized by compression of the brain in the area of ​​the foramen of the sphenoid bone and the clinoid fossa. The sphenoid bone is a bony formation in the skull that is beak-shaped, the base of which is directed downward and posteriorly, and the apex is directed upward and forward. The opening of the sphenoid bones is located in the side of the skull and connects it with the sinus of the sphenoid process of the facial bone. The beak-shaped shape of the wedge-shaped bone gives strength to the pyramids