
Syncardone therapy is a method of physiotherapy that consists of rhythmic compression of the tissues of the arm or leg (using a pneumatic cuff) coordinated with the systole of the heart in order to improve peripheral circulation in case of insufficiency.

This method is based on the principle of creating additional blood flow to peripheral vessels during diastole due to rhythmic compression of the soft tissues of the extremities. The pneumatic cuff is placed on the shoulder or thigh and alternates phases of compression and relaxation in synchronization with the heart rhythm.

During systole, the cuff compresses the tissue, preventing the outflow of blood from the limb. During diastole, the pressure in the cuff decreases, which promotes blood flow into the peripheral vessels. In this way, increased blood circulation in the extremities is achieved.

Syncardone therapy is indicated for diseases of peripheral arteries and veins, diabetic angiopathy, lymphedema, thrombophlebitis and other disorders of peripheral circulation. It improves nutrition and blood supply to tissues, reduces swelling and pain.

Syncardone therapy: Improving peripheral circulation through rhythmic compression of tissues

In the modern world, cardiovascular diseases are becoming more common and pose a serious problem for human health. One of the common complications of cardiovascular disease is peripheral circulatory failure, which can lead to various symptoms such as numbness, swelling and pain in the extremities. In such cases, a physical therapy technique known as syncardiac therapy can be an effective way to improve circulation and reduce the negative effects of poor blood supply.

Syncardone therapy is a method based on rhythmic compression of the tissues of the arm or leg using a pneumatic cuff. This process is coordinated with the systole of the heart, which improves peripheral circulation and ensures sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the limbs.

The main goal of syncardone therapy is to increase the efficiency of blood flow in conditions of insufficient blood supply. A pneumatic cuff is placed on the patient's limb and programmed to compress tissue in a specific rhythm coordinated with the cardiac cycle. This creates additional pressure in the blood vessels and helps improve blood circulation. After compression, the cuff relaxes, allowing blood to circulate freely and be renewed in the tissues.

One of the main advantages of syncardone therapy is its non-invasive nature. Unlike some other treatments, such as surgery, syncardone therapy does not require surgery or medications. This makes it a safe and accessible procedure for most patients.

Syncardone therapy can be recommended for patients with various conditions associated with peripheral circulatory failure, including atherosclerosis, chronic venous insufficiency, thrombosis and other cardiovascular diseases. It can be effective as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with other treatment methods.

During syncardone therapy, it is important to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the patient and correctly select the parameters of compression and cuff rhythm. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out under the supervision of qualified medical personnel such as a physical therapist or cardiologist.

Although syncardone therapy is considered a relatively safe procedure, it may have some limitations and side effects. Uncontrolled or incorrect use of the cuff may result in injury or tissue damage. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the recommendations and instructions of a medical professional.

In conclusion, syncardone therapy is an effective method of physical therapy aimed at improving peripheral circulation when it is insufficient. This method is based on rhythmic compression of the tissues of the arm or leg using a pneumatic cuff, coordinated with the systole of the heart. Syncardone therapy can be beneficial for patients with various cardiovascular diseases and has advantages such as safety and availability. However, before using this method, you must consult a medical specialist and strictly follow his recommendations.