Synkinesia Imitation

Synkinesis and facial imitation.

Synkinesis (Greek synkinesis - joint movement) - additional, not related to the main movements, voluntary conjugal movements of various parts of the body, acquired in the process of voluntary movements of any parts of the body. They are an innate component of the extrapyramidal motor system. As a result of a neuroinfection or injury, the extrapyramidal motor system can change its function, manifested by anconesthesia, fibrillar contractions of muscle groups, leading to pyramidal tract syndrome - paralysis of the corticobasal tracts. Synkinesias can also occur under the influence of drugs (barbiturates, antipsychotics). The classification of synkinesis involves dividing them according to the forms of dependence on the previous movement and the degree of complexity of the movement itself. According to the method of occurrence, synkinesis can be simple (synkinesis of the articulatory apparatus during speech) and complex (synkesesia that occurs when performing complex