Skeleton Bony

Title: "The skeletal system and its importance for our body"

The supply of bone tissue to the growth of skeletal elements occurs in the first weeks after birth. This process is called mineralization. Chondroblast cells form an intercellular substance that is rich in proteins - it contains collagen, alanine and other amino acids. Calcium and phosphate acquire a solid structure in the form of crystals, creating the mineral basis of the entire organism. Gradually, calcification occurs throughout the intercellular material, due to which bone is formed. The growth of bone in thickness occurs due to the division of cells of cartilaginous plates, which are surrounded by skin.

The bone skeleton, or vertebral skeleton, is a collection of bones that performs the function of supporting and protecting internal organs; occurs in vertebrates. Depending on the lifestyle and nature of nutrition, the skeletons of vertebrates vary greatly in shape, size, thickness and strength. Actually bone