
Colpography is a method of examining the vagina and cervix, which allows you to identify diseases of the female reproductive system at an early stage. This diagnostic method is based on the use of special equipment - a colpograph, which creates images of the inner surface of the vagina and cervix.

Colpography has several advantages over other diagnostic methods. Firstly, it allows you to see changes in the tissues of the vagina and cervix in the early stages, when they are not yet visible to the naked eye. This can help avoid serious diseases of the female reproductive system. Secondly, colpography is a more accurate diagnostic method than other methods, such as smear cytology or ultrasound.

To carry out colpography, a special device is used - a colpograph. It is a camera that is mounted on the pubis and captures an image of the inner surface of the vagina and cervix in real time. The patient is in a supine position, and the gynecologist conducts an examination.

One of the main advantages of colpography is its safety for women’s health. This diagnostic method does not use any chemical or radioactive substances, which makes it completely safe for the patient’s health.

However, despite all the advantages of colpography, this diagnostic method also has some disadvantages. First, it can be quite expensive, especially if multiple procedures are required. Secondly, not all women can feel comfortable during the procedure, as it can be a little unpleasant.

Overall, colpography remains one of the most effective methods for diagnosing diseases of the female reproductive system, and its use is becoming increasingly common in modern medicine.

Colpography is a visual method for examining the cervix and vagina using a special device - a colpograph. This allows the doctor to take a detailed photographic record. It becomes possible to obtain three-dimensional images. As practice shows, the colpography procedure is capable of identifying pathological lesions on the walls of the uterus that are not detected based on the results of a routine gynecological examination.