
A scanner is a person who checks documents or objects for various errors and inconsistencies. This could be checking passports, driver's licenses, bank cards, information from electronic documents, etc.

Scanners work in organizations, banks, airports, railway stations and other places where it is necessary to monitor the correctness of filling out documents. They use various devices and programs to verify information, such as barcode scanners, high-speed RFID tag readers, QR code printers and other tools.

The work of the scanner requires attentiveness, speed of reaction and accuracy. He must be able to quickly analyze information and make the right decisions. In addition, scanners must have skills in working with software and technical devices, as well as know the rules for working with various types of documents.

The scanner operation process begins with loading documents into the scanner. The program then automatically reads information from documents and compares it with specified rules. If there are inconsistencies or errors, the scanner must take appropriate action to correct the situation. For example, if an error is detected in the passport number, the document will be sent for rechecking. If all the data is correct, then the document is sent to the next stage of work.

Some scanners can use in their work the identification of an individual based on his fingerprints. For this purpose, special scanners are used that record not only the fingerprint itself, but also their depth and curvature. This information is then used to compare against a fingerprint database to ensure that the individuals whose documents were verified are correct.

In general, the work of a scanner is important and necessary for many organizations and enterprises. After all, thanks to it you can avoid various violations of rules and laws, fraud and errors in work