Skin Atrophy Senile

The problem of aging and loss of skin elasticity is a complex process that begins long before visible signs appear. The end result is senile skin atrophy.

Skin atrophy leads to the fact that the skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, and there is a loss of physiological processes. The earliest sign of aging can be noticed at an early age, when the first wrinkles appear around the eyes and lips. They appear due to a decrease in the activity of collagen and elastin synthesis. With age, the appearance of wrinkles progresses, and their depth also increases.

Age-related degradation affects all layers of the skin: from the deep inner layers of the epidermis and dermis to the outer surface layer.

Environmental factors - sun, wind, bad water - affect the occurrence of skin aging processes. The expulsion of the hormonal dose causes a reduction in the activity of cells and nerves in the skin, leading to laxity of the soft tissues of the face. In addition to physical destruction of the normal skin process, the skin can be subject to direct damage and breakdown of many other harmful substances such as salt solutions, lye