Nasolacrimal Duct Fold

Nasolacrimal duct fold Definition The nasolacrimal duct fold is a fold of the lip from the epidermis of the mucous membrane, which is located in the air passage channel and lies posterior to the external nose, connecting the lips of the nostrils and the upper palate along the lacrimal groove. The anterior inferior nasal spine is divided by the nasal fold into two canals - the angular and nasolacrimal.

Functions of the fold of the nasal canal * Transport function: a) With the help of mucus secreted by the glands of the frontal bone

This article will focus on such an anatomical structure as the nasolacrimal duct fold. This structure is of great importance for our health, as it is involved in the cleansing processes of our lacrimal system. Let's look at what kind of structure this is and what function it has.

**Fold of the nasolacrimal duct (plica nasolaccrimal)**. This is a fold with cilia that connects the nasal cavity with the canal of the lacrimal glands and is located in the medial wall of the lacrimal canal. In the lower part of the nasal septum, the fold ends in a round hole through which the lacrimal secretion occurs, formed during friction