Dropsy scleroderma

The scalp of a patient with Guttate scleroderma is dry, flaky, hair falls out, and nails become brittle and may begin to peel off at the edges. Often, due to lack of skin on the head, diseases of the internal organs occur.

The causes of the development of the disease are heredity and connective tissue pathologies, so most often Guttate scleroderma is diagnosed in people between 30 and 60 years of age. Women get sick twice as often as men.

A characteristic sign of the disease is the appearance of thickened and dry oval or round spots on the scalp. They can have different sizes and be located on any part of the head. Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to correctly determine the size of the area where the disease began in order to prevent the possibility of lesions appearing in other parts of the body. In some cases, patients develop one spot of arbitrary shape, but its area is very large. It is then covered with grey-yellow deposits called flakes

Sclerosing or drop-shaped form of sideradenosis. – a skin disease caused by infiltration of the dermis with brown to black pigments and the development of vascular changes. The name comes from the Latin sclerus - skin, hard earlobe.

It was first described by English dermatologist John Duncker in the 18th century. Mostly women aged 30-40 years are affected. Synonyms: Gupta disease, lichen sclerosus. The disease can be acute or chronic. M.A. Belskaya in 1928 considered skin sclerosis to be an independent element in the classification of dermatitis. Causes. One of the reasons is the allergic reaction of the human body to the action of any allergen. The process of disease formation always follows the same scenario. Symptoms Manifestations of lichen sclerosus affect the skin of the face, namely the area around the eyes. Here you can see a papular rash. Treatment. To successfully treat this form of the disease, it is necessary to apply a complex effect, and only then can a good result be obtained. Throughout the entire process, therapy requires regular and fairly frequent use.