
Sclerotenitis: understanding, symptoms and treatment

Sclerotenitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the eyeball sheath that surrounds the tendon structures. The term sclerotenitis is derived from the words sclero, meaning the sclera of the eye, and tenonitis, meaning inflammation of the tendons.

The eyeball sheath is a special structure made of collagen fibers that surrounds the tendons and helps them move freely. When the vagina becomes inflamed, it can cause painful symptoms and limit normal movement of the eyeball.

The main symptoms of sclerotenitis may include:

  1. Pain: Patients may experience pain around the eyeball or when moving the eyes.

  2. Swelling: Inflammation of the vagina can cause swelling around the eye and make it appear puffy.

  3. Restricted eye movement: Patients may have difficulty moving the eye in certain directions due to inflammation of the vagina.

  4. Redness: The area around the eye may become red and inflamed.

The causes of sclerotenitis can be varied. This may be due to infection, eye trauma, or systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory connective tissue diseases. The exact mechanisms of sclerotenitis development are not fully understood and require further research.

The diagnosis of sclerotenitis is based on clinical symptoms, and additional testing such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging of the eye may be required.

Treatment for sclerotenitis depends on its cause and severity. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids or nectatin anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to reduce inflammation. In cases where sclerotenitis is associated with infection, antibiotic therapy may be required.

Some patients may require physical therapy and exercises to restore full movement of the eyeball and reduce pain. In rare cases, when conservative treatment is not effective, surgery may be required.

It is important to see an ophthalmologist if you experience symptoms of sclerotenitis or have any eye problems. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, sclerotenitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the eyeball and can lead to pain, swelling and restriction of eye movement. The causes of sclerotenitis can be varied, and treatment depends on its cause and severity. It is important to see a doctor to get a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Sclerotenitis is an inflammation of the perivascular tissue of the eyeball, which results in dystrophic changes in the fibrous tissue of the sclera and the pouch apparatus, which leads to its scarring, deformation of the anterior chamber and loss of visual functions. Ill