Skoliozometer Mikuliča

The Mikulicz scoliosisometer is a device designed to measure the degree of curvature of the spine in scoliosis.

It was developed in 1968 by Soviet orthopedic doctor Vladimir Mikulic. A scoliosisometer is a frame with movable rods to which sensors are attached. During the examination, the patient stands inside the frame, the sensors are pressed against his back at certain points. In this case, the rods bend in accordance with the curvature of the spine.

A scoliosisometer allows you to obtain accurate quantitative indicators of the degree of curvature of the spine in degrees. This is important for dynamic monitoring of the progression of scoliosis and assessing the effectiveness of its treatment.

The Mikulicz scoliosisometer is still widely used in medical practice for diagnosing and monitoring scoliosis. It is characterized by its simplicity of design, convenience and high measurement accuracy.