
Article "Scoliosometry"

We welcome everyone who is interested in the health and proper functioning of their spine! Today we would like to talk about the newest method of diagnosing the spine, which is called a scoliozometer.

First let's understand the basics and terminology. A scoliosisometer is a device that measures the angle of twist of the spine relative to its natural position. This angle may change in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have problems with the musculoskeletal system. Losing the proper shape of the spine can lead to various spinal problems such as back pain, cracking bones, fatigue and problems with coordination.

A scoliosis meter usually consists of a small mirror on a metal rod that is placed in front of the patient's eyes. The patient should stand straight and look into the scoliosis meter mirror. Then the angle of each vertebra is measured along the axis of the spine. The measurement result is displayed and assessed by a doctor. If the angle is too great, it is a sign of scoliosis, a condition in which the spine curves in the wrong direction.

Why is it important for us to measure the angle of torsion? Understanding the amount of arc that is bent allows you to choose the most appropriate scoliosis treatment method. Spinal diagnostics allows the doctor to determine the type of scoliosis and determine which treatment methods will be most effective for a particular patient. Results from scoliosis meters can be used to track the progress and effectiveness of treatment. Additionally, early detection of scoliosis can help avoid complications and more serious illnesses associated with this condition.

What to do if you are diagnosed with scoliosis? Well, we will help you find an approach to treating scoliosis! Depending on the degree of spinal curvature, different treatment methods can be chosen. For example, some patients prefer wearing a special brace, while others choose stretching and exercises in the pool. Correctly selected treatment will help get rid of scolio