Mental Blindness

Mental blindness is a phenomenon when a person loses the ability to see and understand his feelings and emotions, his inner life. This can be due to various reasons, such as trauma, stress, lack of love and support, as well as certain diseases that lead to disruption of brain function.

Unlike physical blindness, in which the eyes cannot perceive visual information, mental blindness occurs when the soul is unable to perceive or interpret the emotional signals it receives from the world around it, and cannot understand and become aware of its own inner life and feelings.

Soul blindness is a common problem in the modern world, where we are often faced with a huge amount of information and stress. Many people live in a constant race for success, forgetting about their real desires and needs. They cannot stop and relax because they are afraid of missing out on their chance to succeed.

To overcome mental blindness, you need to learn to listen to your body, find time for relaxation and rest, manage your thoughts and emotions, and learn to express your feelings through words and actions. It is important to understand that each person needs his own personal space, which must correspond to his needs and desires.

Mental blindness can be very painful and difficult for a person, but if overcome correctly, you can learn to live a more fulfilling and happy life. In modern society, soul blindness is becoming an increasingly pressing problem, so it is necessary to look for ways to prevent and treat it.

However, in order to overcome mental blindness and see your inner life again, you need to find the source of light within yourself and learn to observe it. This process can be extremely difficult and requires patience, self-knowledge and practice.

According to modern psychology, blindness of the soul is a negative mental state of a person. It prevents people from being productive, setting goals, and coping with everyday tasks. The feeling of a blind state leads to self-deception and degradation, since a person is not able to accurately record the world around him, correctly interprets the actions of other people, and exaggerates his own shortcomings.

Mental blindness has deep roots. Most people begin to suffer from it for various reasons. For example, a child who was offended once or several times in early childhood is afraid to talk about personal problems, holds on with all his might, then he develops a bunch of complexes, misunderstandings, and pain. Many people are embarrassed to talk about their feelings, especially in public. It also happens that parents or close friends do not understand a person. All these factors negatively affect the psyche of a child and teenager. He does not find people close to his family who would support him in case of problems. The baby grows and is silent, afraid to give vent to his feelings. Then he grows up, not noticing that he is fixated on the bad, looks at the world through a narrow gap of negativity, takes on a bunch of responsibilities and reproaches himself for no reason. A person thinks he hates people