Tear Meat

Tear Meat: A Small Structure with an Important Role

The caruncle, also known as the caruncula lacrimalis, is a small structure on the outer corner of each human eye. It is a small fleshy tubercle located medial to the outer canthus. Although the caruncle often goes unnoticed, it plays an important role in protecting and maintaining eye health.

Anatomically, the lacrimal caruncle consists of a mixture of glandular and soft tissue structures. It contains small hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as lymphoid tissue. This complex composition makes the lacrimal caruncle unique and different from other structures of the eye.

One of the main functions of the lacrimal caruncle is to produce the lacrimal component of tear fluid. Although the lacrimal glands produce most of the tear fluid, the lacrimal caruncle also contributes. It produces fatty secretions that provide moisture and lubrication to the ocular surface and also protect against tear evaporation. This is especially important when working with the eyes in conditions of wind, dust and other factors that can cause dryness and irritation.

In addition to its role in the production of tear fluid, the lacrimal caruncle also plays an important function in the drainage of tears. Inside the lacrimal caruncle are openings called puncta, through which tears collect and drain into the tear ducts. This helps maintain normal pressure in the tear ducts and prevents excessive accumulation of tears in the eye.

Moreover, the lacrimal caruncle has an aesthetic function. In some cultures, it is considered part of the attractiveness of the eye and face in general. Despite its small size and minor role in the functioning of the eye, the lacrimal caruncle can be susceptible to various conditions, such as inflammation or swelling, which can lead to cosmetic problems or discomfort.

In conclusion, although the caruncle may seem insignificant, it serves important functions in protecting and maintaining the health of the eye. It not only helps in tear production and tear drainage, but also plays an aesthetic role in the appearance of the eye. Thanks to the lacrimal caruncle, our eyes can remain moist, protected and healthy, allowing us to reliably perform our vision functions and maintain comfort in everyday life.