Tear canaliculus

The lacrimal canaliculus (canaliculus lacrimalis) is one of the components of the lacrimal drainage system, which plays an important role in protecting the eyes from infections and other damage. It connects the inner surface of the eye with the tear duct, which passes through the nasal cavity and opens on the surface of the cheek.

The lacrimal canaliculus consists of two parts: external and internal. The outer part of the tubule is located on the inner surface of the eyelid and is a narrow channel that connects the eye and the nasal cavity. The inner part of the tubule is located in the thickness of the eyelid and consists of many small channels that connect to the outer part.

The main function of the lacrimal canaliculus is to drain tears from the eye through the nasal cavity into the oral cavity. Tears are produced by the lacrimal glands and enter the canaliculus through a narrow channel located on the inner surface of the lower eyelid. The tear then passes through the outer part of the canaliculus and enters the nasal canal, from where it is discharged through the nostrils.

If the lacrimal system is disrupted or the canal is damaged, tears can stagnate in the eye, which can lead to infections and other diseases. Therefore, the tear system must be healthy and function correctly.

To prevent diseases of the lacrimal system, it is necessary to keep the nasal cavity clean, avoid getting foreign bodies into the eyes and nose, and also undergo regular medical examinations to identify possible problems with the lacrimal system.

Lacrimal canaliculus: An important element of the lacrimal system

Tears are an integral part of our daily life. Not only do they help us lubricate our eyes and protect them from irritants, but they also serve important functions in maintaining the health of the eyeball. One of the key components of the lacrimal system is the lacrimal canaliculus, also known as canaliculus lacrimalis.

The tear duct, located inside the upper and lower eyelids, is a narrow channel that drains tears from the eye. It begins with a small opening at the edge of the eyelid called the lacrimal ostium. The canaliculus then extends downward and converges with other tear ducts to form the lacrimal sac and then the nasal lacrimal duct.

One of the main functions of the lacrimal canaliculus is to drain tears from the eye into the nasal cavity. This avoids excess accumulation of tears on the surface of the eye and keeps the eyeball moist and healthy. When we cry or tears are produced as a result of eye irritation, the tear duct helps drain them, preventing them from overflowing over the edge of the eyelid.

However, sometimes the tear duct can become clogged or make it difficult for tears to flow out. This can cause unpleasant symptoms such as a constant feeling of wetness or watery eyes. In such cases, medical intervention may be required to remove the obstruction or restore normal tear duct function.

Various methods can be used to diagnose and treat tear duct problems. One of them is to perform a special test called a tear test. This test allows you to evaluate the capacity of the lacrimal canaliculus and identify possible obstructions. If difficulties are detected in the outflow of tears, the doctor may recommend a procedure for washing the lacrimal canaliculus or even surgery to restore it.

In conclusion, the tear duct plays an important role in maintaining eye health and proper drainage of tears. It helps keep the eyeball moist and prevents the accumulation of excess tears. If you are having trouble draining your tears or experiencing unpleasant eye-related symptoms, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.