A word about medicines against kidney stones

Before using strong powders, it is best to lubricate the anus with anzarut diluted in water. If the patient is patient with pain, then they lubricate the inside of the anus with bath nura and wait a little, then wash it with astringent wine and then sprinkle it with powder. The cones are sprinkled with powdered copper shavings, alone or with burnt tin. They are also sprinkled with arsenic and ammonia, neutralizing these substances with melted butter and similar fats, as mentioned above. These powders will be stronger if mixed with baby urine. All of them act as acute medicines. More gentle and milder than these are medicines such as cypress bark ash soaked in wine, eggshell ash, burnt date kernel ash and burnt bitter dry lupine. Here is one of the remedies that works like a special one: take the head of a salted fish, dry it by the fire, mix it with the same amount of old cheese and sprinkle it on the anus; The ash from the tail of salted fish also works. Nigella is a good and surprisingly useful powder.

Fumigation is also an excellent remedy; Of these, anacardium has a strong effect, alone or with other drugs, especially with arsenic, as well as arsenic in its pure form and cabbage in its pure form. As for other medicines, these are, for example, ferula stinking root, oleander root, usturgas, iris rhizome, caper root, celery root, coloquinte root, harmala root, greater celandine, leek seeds, mustard, camel feces, potash, ushnana, galbanum and anzaruth. All of them are used either individually or in combination; a little anacardium is added to them, kneaded with jasmine oil, turned into flat cakes and stored for fumigation. The healthiest fumigations are those containing ushnan, potash, anzarut and camel feces. Sometimes it is enough to fumigate with tamarisk several times in a row.

The recipe for complex fumigation: take equal parts of caper root, celery root, oleander leaves, camel thorn root, stinking ferula root, iris rhizome and cashew and prepare nuts from all this with jasmine oil, which are used as fumigation. They say that fumigation with myrtle leaves, as well as flayed black animal skins with ammonia, is very beneficial. Such fumigations are sometimes done with the help of a funnel, which is inserted at one end into the anus, and the other end is tilted over a brazier and then fumigated. Sometimes fumigation is done in a trough with a hole in which the patient is placed. The best coals for fumigation are camel feces coals.