Absolute Hearing

auditory analyzer and human auditory system: it is a very complex network of nerve cells, sensory hair cells, hearing organs and ear muscles that can hear various sounds from the external environment and convert them into electrical signals, interpret these signals and send commands to the vestibular apparatus and the telencephalon. Hearing Absolutely is such a very sophisticated piece of equipment, can record a melody and make it possible for people who can't see or watch the music in the church to help it come to their ear, where what they can do is extract the music from them, can conjure up a big picture of this music in their minds. the auditory system analyzes sound and turns it into an electrical signal, which is then transmitted from the inner ear to visual resolution in the brain through nerves that conduct sound waves. Of course, a sound analyzer could have been developed as a result of evolution, but most animals are also deaf, and music with them will not be for people, but those who are good