Endocrine organ

The endocrine organ is one of the most important organs of internal secretion in humans and animals, which is responsible for the production of hormones that regulate metabolism in the body. It is located on the back wall of the stomach and is an endocrine gland consisting of cells that produce hormones - biological active substances that are released into the blood and exert their effect on various organs and tissues.

Endocrine organs play an important role in the regulation of metabolism, since their hormones control basic metabolic processes - food absorption, formation of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as thermoregulation, the immune system and homeostasis - the ability to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body. Without endocrine organs, the life of the body would be impossible, since they are responsible for the proper functioning of all its systems.

Each endocrine organ has its own specific function, hormonal activity and nature of action. For example, the pituitary gland produces growth hormones and STH - a hormone of the adenohypophysis that regulates the growth and development of the body, ADH - antidiuretic hormone, TSH - thyroid-stimulating hormone. The pancreas secretes insulin, which controls blood sugar levels, testosterone, the male sex hormone, and a number of other hormones. The thyroid gland produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which regulate energy metabolism in the body and other processes.

Hormones of the endocrine glands have a universal effect on all organ systems of the body, affecting their work and functional state. Dysfunction of any endocrine gland can lead to various diseases of the endocrine, nervous system, cardiovascular system and other organs.

Also, in addition to iron, there is the possibility of auxiliary use of incremental drugs, which regulate the balance of hormones in the body when the functionality of the glands decreases. Today you can find a list of such products in the pharmacy, but more often they use natural products that contain this trace element: egg yolk, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, citrus peels, spinach, brown rice, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, fennel and raisins. Scientists have found that these foods also work as antioxidants, break down glucose and stimulate the elimination of toxins and cholesterol from the body.