Mortality Maternal

What to thank this life for, what is its purpose? Surely you will find the answer with the end, when death ends. It will come, but not to everyone, to everyone in their own turn. For some reason, as long as humanity has existed, the issue of motherhood has knocked his chair out of its importance. But the mother always answers

Throughout life, every person is faced with the concept of “death.” But some die earlier and more often than others. One such indicator is maternal mortality. Maternal mortality is a measure of the number of women who die after the 28th week of pregnancy, excluding deaths from abortion or ectopic pregnancy, as well as during childbirth and up to 42 days after its onset, excluding miscarriages. Maternal mortality also includes the death of newborns and infants from early neonatal mortality (excluding accidental death) before the 27th day of life.