
Okumetil is an antiallergic drug that is produced in Egypt by the Alexandria company. These are eye drops intended for topical use in ophthalmology, which contain components such as analgin, caffeine and benzocaine.

The mechanism of action of Okumetil is associated with blocking sodium channels and inhibiting the propagation of impulses along sensory nerves, which leads to a decrease in pain, dilation of blood vessels and elimination of hyperemia, as well as a decrease in the excitability of ciliary endings. In addition, the drug has vasodilating, local anesthetic, moderate antishock, antiexudative and anti-inflammatory effects. When Okumetil is applied topically, low systemic absorption of the drug components is achieved, which ensures its high efficiency and safety.

This drug is used to treat eye diseases such as conjunctivitis (viral, bacterial, allergic), keratitis, stye, burns and eye injuries. Okumetil is well tolerated by patients and has a minimal risk of side effects, however, when using it, you must follow the instructions for use.