Snail Stagnation

Snails Stagnant

Stagnation cochlea (Cochlea congestions or Congestive Middle Cochlea congestion) is a rare disease that affects the cochlea and internal hearing organs. It is associated with the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear. The cochlea is blocked by fluids leaving the cochlear cavity, and over time this can lead to hearing impairment and even hearing loss. This condition can occur in people of any age, but is more common in children and young adults.

Causes and symptoms of Snail congestion

The exact causes of chronic snails have not been studied, but it is known that they are caused by excessive activity of at least one of three factors:

* Hardening of the folds of the lining of the middle ear * Minor inflammation of the wall of the middle ear caused by an infection or allergic reaction * Blockage of the tube connecting the middle ear to the posterior fossa. Symptoms of Chronic Snail include:

- recurring tinnitus,

- congestive hearing,

hearing loss due to loud noises and talking at a distance

Treatment for chronic cochlea involves removing excess fluid from the middle ear during a simple operation. This operation helps restore hearing and improve the patient's quality of life. In some cases, re-treatment may be required after a few months.