
The somatopleura is the body wall of the early embryo, which consists of a layer of ectoderm lining the mesoderm. The somatopleura forms the outer membrane of the embryo. The continuation of the somatopleura outside the body of the embryo is the amnion - a thin membrane that surrounds the embryo and is filled with amniotic fluid.

In contrast to the somatopleura, the splanchnopleura forms the inner wall of the embryo's body. It consists of a layer of endoderm lining the mesoderm. The walls of the digestive, respiratory and genitourinary systems of the embryo subsequently develop from the splanchnopleura.

Thus, the somatopleura and splanchnopleura are two layers that form the outer and inner shells of the body of the embryo in the early stages of development. Their structure plays an important role in the embryogenesis of vertebrates.

Somatopleure is one of two layers that form the body wall of the early embryo. It is formed from the ectoderm, which lines the mesoderm. The mesoderm layer in turn gives rise to the internal organs of the growing embryo, such as the heart, lungs and liver.

Somatopleura and its analogue, splanchnopleura, play an important role in embryonic development. The splanchnopleura is the second layer forming the body wall, which is formed from the mesoderm and is lined by the internal endoderm. The splanchnopleura gives rise to the membranes of internal organs, such as the stomach, intestines and lungs.

The continuation of the somatopleura outside the body of the embryo is the amnion. The amnion is a membrane that fills the amniotic cavity with fluid in which the embryo develops. It serves to protect the embryo from external influences and provides optimal conditions for its development.

The somatopleura and splanchnopleura are important structures that ensure the proper development of organs and tissues in the early embryo. Disturbances in the development of these structures can lead to serious abnormalities in the development of internal organs and body systems.

In summary, the somatopleura is the layer forming the body wall of the early embryo, which is formed from the ectoderm and lines the mesoderm. It plays an important role in the development of organs and tissues of the embryo, and its extension outside the body is the amnion. These structures are key to the proper development of the embryo and ensure its protection and optimal conditions for growth and development.