Sorting and Evacuation Department

The triage and evacuation department (SED) is one of the key elements of the healthcare system. It is designed to provide medical care and evacuate patients in emergencies.

The SED is a specialized department that ensures fast and efficient triage and evacuation of injured patients. The department employs highly qualified doctors and nurses who have experience working in extreme situations.

The tasks of the SEO include determining the severity of the patient’s condition, deciding on the need for hospitalization and evacuation, as well as providing the necessary medical care. Patients are triaged based on certain criteria such as age, gender, health status, etc.

One of the main tasks of the SEA is to ensure the safety of patients and staff. For this, the department has special equipment and protective equipment, such as protective suits, masks, gloves, etc. Also, the SEO conducts regular training and exercises on evacuation and medical assistance in extreme conditions.

In addition, SEA plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. In this context, doctors and nurses of the department provide consultations and diagnoses of patients, develop individual treatment and prevention plans.

Thus, SES is an integral part of the healthcare system and ensures fast and effective provision of medical care in emergency situations.

The triage evacuation department is one of the most important departments in medicine. Here, patients undergo a first assessment of their health and, if necessary, receive further medical care. In this article we will look at what a triage evacuation department is, how it works and what tasks it performs.

The triage evacuation department can be found in hospitals of various profiles - from large public clinics to small private healthcare institutions. The main purpose of such a room is to collect, classify and triage patients. Patients who were brought to the hospital by ambulance can come here; they can also be transferred from other departments of the hospital through internal transfer.

Sorting/Evacuation department

The main place for collection of the affected population and medical triage is the emergency department. Medical triage (interventional) continues during transportation to a health care facility. Such transportation includes measures for the safe boarding and disembarkation of the patient, transportation rules, emergency care for general cardiopulmonary resuscitation and life-threatening situations that arise during transportation. Transportation should not interrupt or cancel the treatment that has been started. Therefore, qualified and specialized medical care is provided in an adequate amount along the road and even at the evacuation site. To avoid complications, the victim should be in the most comfortable position until the emergency medical team arrives. If emergency medical care had to begin before the doctor arrived, it must be carried out at the place where the accident occurred, through resuscitation and anesthesia, and removal of foreign bodies. To reduce risks during transportation, it is advisable to perform these manipulations in a healthcare facility. All necessary measures of drug and physiotherapeutic therapy, which cannot be performed in medical transport for various reasons (prevention of seizures, stopping bleeding, etc.), must also be carried out there. At the transportation stage, provision of respiratory support is indicated for respiratory and circulatory disorders. For mild traumatic brain injury, it can be used