Hallucinations of the Imagination

Hallucination of imagination, or hallucination of fantasy, is the ability of a person to generate creative ideas, concepts, images and scenarios that seem real to him, but do not correspond to reality. This phenomenon can manifest itself in all people at any age, but is especially common in people with a rich imagination, high intelligence, a tendency to introspection and constant reflection on life.

Hallucination of imagination is not a disease or mental disorder, but rather a manifestation of the creative ability of the brain. Many people use this phenomenon to create bright and unique ideas, discoveries and works of art. Such people can come up with incredible ideas for artistic works, create new design projects, develop innovative products and solutions, and find unexpected points of view on ordinary things.

However, because the imaginary hallucination appears real to the person, it can also cause fear and anxiety. For example, when a person hallucinates that his favorite blogger does not have enough followers on a social network, he may begin to doubt his worth and worth, suffer from depression and even