Sorting Yard

A triage area is a place that is reserved for the temporary accommodation of sick and injured people hospitalized for medical evacuation. Such a place can be used either in a building or in a separate open area (for example, an area near a hospital).

The job of the sorting area is to quickly accommodate everyone.

The triage area is an important element of medical evacuation and is often mentioned in medical textbooks as a temporary landing site for the injured and sick while receiving medical care. During the medical evacuation phase, the term “triage area” is also often used. If you want to write an article on the topic "Sorting Yard", here are some ideas that may be useful for your text:

Purpose and role of triage: Triage is a key element of the medical evacuation phase. It consists of quickly and efficiently organizing medical care, determining the need for surgery and therapeutic procedures, as well as making decisions about transportation and subsequent treatment of the victim.

Principles of triage: The main goal of triage is to provide the most comprehensive amount of medical care to injured and sick people in the shortest possible period of time. The sorting process is based on the following principles: - Brevity - sorting time should be kept to a minimum. - Equity - Triage must take into account the full range of injuries and illnesses to ensure maximum effectiveness of care.