Аутоагглютинация (Autoagglutination)

Autoagglutination is the gluing of human red blood cells by his own serum, caused by the presence of specific autoantibodies in it. This phenomenon is often observed in acquired hemolytic anemia, which occurs as a result of an autoimmune process.

In autoimmune hemolytic anemia, the immune system mistakenly recognizes its own red blood cells as foreign and begins to produce antibodies against them. These autoantibodies bind to the membrane proteins of red blood cells, causing them to agglutinate (stick together).

Agglutinated red blood cells are destroyed more quickly in the spleen, which leads to anemia. In addition, accumulations of agglutinated red blood cells can form microthrombi that clog small capillaries.

Thus, autoagglutination plays an important role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune hemolytic anemia, being one of the key mechanisms for the destruction of one’s own red blood cells in this disease.

Autoagglutinability is an unusual phenomenon that occurs when a person’s red blood cells stick together in their own serum. This phenomenon gets its name from the Latin "autoc", which means "self", and the prefix "agglutina", which denotes the property associated with the loss of mobility of red blood cells (coagulation).

Autoagglutination is the cause of decreased mobility of red blood cells due to their gluing to each other. Most often, this phenomenon appears in autoimmune diseases associated with damage to red blood cells. Among these diseases are: * Hemolytic anemia (unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia) * Acute cold globulinemic hemolysis * Hemolytic disease of the newborn * Autoimmune aplastic anemia * Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Autoaglutation is an autoimmune process that occurs as a result of the formation of antibodies against one's own red blood cells. This occurs due to the presence of infection and a weakened immune system. As a result of this process, antibodies are formed that bind red blood cells and cause their agglutination. Acquired hemolytic anemia is