Nipple, Mamilla, Papilla

The nipples of the mammary gland (Mammary gland nipple, Latin Nipple) are small structures on the top of the breast of humans and mammals. In this section we will look at this topic in more detail.

The nipples are located at the top of the breast or breast, the breast nipples. They are the site through which milk is released from the mammary glands when babies are fed. The nipples are usually pink or flesh-colored, but can come in a variety of shades, including brown, green and blue. In men they usually do not exist. Most people have one nipple on each breast

The mammary gland consists of many small lobes called lobules or alveoli. Each lobule has its own separate duct called the milk duct. The milk ducts are connected to each lobe of the gland and empty into one main milk duct at the top of the chest. It is at the top of the main milk that one or two nipples are located, depending on whether the gland is single or double-chambered. Thus, the nipples are located inside the milk duct, where it opens to the surface of the breast. When women breastfeed, the milk ducts become filled with liquid milk, causing the nipples to stretch and soften to make it easier for the baby to squeeze out milk. Sometimes fertile women can squeeze milk out of their breasts without the baby's participation - if they want to speed up or intensify the process of milk production to increase the amount of milk they receive. To stimulate lactation, the Veiga-Mamot-Rubchik system or the Pepkorm-Pepkorm system is used. It usually consists of two pairs of external lactators (the same as when breastfeeding a baby). External lactators are attached to the right and left apexes of the right and left mammary glands, and internal lactators are also attached to them, allowing one pair of lactators to support each other. The apexes of the mammary glands form into cups. Milk flows down it and enters the baby's mouth when applied to the nipple. This happens due to the structure of the breast and nipple. The nipple covers almost the entire anterior part of the gland, and the nipple is elongated, tubular and cone-shaped. This special structure inside allows it to stretch and release milk when pressed. There is also an areola - the name given to the area around the nipple covered

Very often the female breast is incorrectly called the nipple. But the male nipple is more difficult to determine. It looks like a small round dent. The nipple is a raised area at the base of the nipple, it is also a pigmented area measuring about 4 mm. There are two types of nipples in men: with and without rudimentary lobules.

Vestigial lobes can be seen in the upper part of the man's chest. They look like small spots of brown or pink color. Without surgery, all the lobules may be preserved, or they may be completely absent. A man's chest without them will look harmonious, so it does not attract much attention. After removal of the rudimentary lobes, the breast may change shape and size (shrink). In this case, you need to consult a plastic surgeon. Sometimes removal is not carried out for aesthetic reasons - if a man wants to pump up his pectoral muscles. Then usually only a reduction of the areola, the pigmented area surrounding the nipple, is done. It can also be removed, but here the decision is made together with the man and his partner.