Ion spectrometer

Ion spectrometer

Ionization spectrometer is a device for analyzing substances. It allows you to study their structure and physicochemical properties. In this short review we will briefly consider the types of such devices, their scope of application, and their operating principle.

The type of equipment and its name depend on the sources of primary ionization: electrons, ion beams, electronic or optical breakdown, radioactive or light radiation. The complete list includes many other sources. The main types of this equipment can be summarized by its type and design.

Design Ionization spectrometers are mainly of two types: planetary and lens. In addition, there are radio spectrometers with a large entrance window in the form of a grating. Their radio permeability is low, so at high particle energies it is impossible to obtain a narrow input beam. In all cases, the radiation selection mechanism is the same. According to this criterion, there are two varieties - the so-called monophotonic and integral techniques. Ions are selected by monoenergetic monochromatic beams. Monoenergetic beams with one or several energy values ​​are generated at a linear accelerator.

Application The synchrotron spark spectrometer is suitable for studying light atoms. It is, for example, used in the detection of ionate nuclei. Spectrometers working