
A spermatogram or spermogram is a semen analysis that is performed to assess the quality of male sexual function. It allows you to identify various diseases and disorders in the male reproductive system, as well as determine the causes of infertility.

A spermatogram includes the study of the physical and chemical properties of sperm, such as quantity, color, viscosity, acidity, presence of cells, etc. It may also contain information about the quantity and quality of sperm, their motility and ability to fertilize an egg.

Sperm analysis can be prescribed both when planning pregnancy and in case of infertility in a man. If the spermatogram shows abnormalities, the doctor may recommend additional tests or treatment.

It is important to note that a spermatogram is not a diagnosis, but only one of many indicators that can help in diagnosing diseases of the male reproductive system. Therefore, if you have problems conceiving a child, you should not rely only on the results of the spermatogram - you need to consult a doctor for a full examination and treatment.

A spermatogram is a semen analysis that allows you to determine its quality and the presence of possible diseases. A spermatogram is performed for men who are planning to conceive a child or already have problems conceiving.

A spermatogram includes an analysis of the number, motility and morphology (shape) of sperm. The normal sperm count should be at least 20 million per 1 ml of semen. Sperm motility is their ability to move and fertilize an egg. Sperm morphology is the shape and structure of the sperm, which can indicate the presence of diseases.

To perform a spermatogram, it is necessary to collect a sperm sample by masturbation into a special container. The sample is then transported to a laboratory where analysis is carried out. The results of a spermatogram may indicate possible problems with a man’s health, such as infertility, genitourinary tract infections, hormonal disorders and others.

It is important to note that a spermatogram is not the only analysis when planning conception. It is also necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist and take tests for infections and hormones. However, if the results of the spermatogram indicate problems, then it is necessary to consult a doctor for further examination and treatment.

In general, a spermatogram is an important test for men planning to conceive a child. It allows you to assess the quality of sperm and identify possible health problems that may affect conception. Therefore, if you are planning to conceive a child, it is recommended to undergo a spermogram and consult a doctor if necessary.