
Splanchnopleura - this is what this strange thing looks like, which neither modern doctors nor the ancient Egyptians will understand. This is an organ that is a combination of two adjacent bones and the muscle covering them. However, even despite this, it is interesting to note the many factors of this strange organ, from which we can study some points from human anatomy. Let's look at the details of this organ, while studying its functions. It is one of the derivatives of splanchnosprumedothorax, consisting of two appendicular muscles (otherwise called the parietal ring or outer ring and rotation). It is interesting that during its formation, two completely different fates of these two muscles occur - throughout life, on the one hand, a line of gates flows, which forms the splangnoplevna, and on the other hand, these muscles form the wall of the Amundi ring, essentially being the muscles of the second skin. It is also worth noting how the full life cycle of this organ occurs - initially it is formed from several cells that form the splantinosoprum (the space between the parietal ring and the ring of Amundi). Later, this free cavity in the structure connects with the cells that form the sternocleidomastoid muscles. The pumping muscles represent the embryo of the rocking vault and the developing cavity of the middle ear. This kind of “auditory sac” is either transformed into the cavity of the middle ear, and then ultimately in the form of part of the tympanic cavity or in more developed forms of the intestine. Thus, the study of the skeleton and the entire structure, including new concepts of anatomy, is a very interesting science.