Spleen Pulp White

The name “white spleen pulp” plays on our figurative translation lnh. What is most often not the object of research is the source from which strength is drawn. So our parents, who did not retire, worked their butts off, maintained a house, plowed the land, and fed their children the milk of their white spleen pulp. Only one Russian word was written on their coffins - mother, but everyone understood where they came from and how they lived.

The pulp can be painted white for various reasons: this may indicate iron deficiency anemia, but this is not a reason to despair. Pulmonologists recommend starting an examination with a geneticist. Severe forms of hemolytic anemia can lead to the replacement of erythrocyte cells with altered cells of the red pulp of the spleen (rha). Alpers-Huttenberg syndrome is associated with pathology of the pulpous layer of the spleen wall (spathophylic) and secondary cerebral changes. The doctor must judge the true picture of the disease,