
Argumentative people are people who love to argue and prove that they are right. They can be either professional debaters or ordinary people who simply love to argue because of their nature.

Disputants can argue on any topic, from politics to sports. They often use arguments and evidence to convince others that they are right. However, sometimes debaters can get personal and insult their opponents.

Some debaters believe that they should always be right and never wrong. They can use any means to prove that they are right, even if it goes against common sense.

At the same time, other debaters can be very polite and respectful towards their opponents. They understand that everyone has the right to their opinion and are ready to listen to another point of view.

No matter what type of arguer you encounter, it is important to remember that arguing can lead to conflict and unpleasant emotions. Therefore, it is better to avoid disputes and find compromises if possible.