Remedies for depletion of individual organs

In treating this, we also turn to the circumstances and conditions mentioned in the methods of exhaustion of the whole body in general, and resort to the help of special means that are auxiliary for these organs. This is, for example, giving them immobility, cooling, pulling the paths of nutrients passing to them, constantly applying bandages to these paths, below them, as well as pulling nutrients to the opposite organs.

Here is one of the ointments that prevents the testicles from enlarging and the breasts from becoming fuller. They take Kimolos clay and tin white, mix with squeezed henbane juice and myrtle oil and use it as a rub, or constantly lubricate these organs with dust from rubbing grinding stones against each other with vinegar or squeezed henbane juice. It also helps to frequently, daily lubricate these organs with alum or if you take clay - one part and green galls, grind both and spread with honey for one day, and then rinse with cold water; this is done three times a month. A special remedy for the breast is to tie cumin, ground and mixed with vinegar, to it. A bandage is made from it on the chest, and rags soaked in vinegar are placed on top of it for three days. After this, the bandage is removed and a white iris bulb is applied, tied and not untied for another three days, and this is done three times a month.