Stannius Experience

Stannius, Otto von (23.3.1803, Stuttgart, - 26.4.1883, Munich), German physiologist, founder of electrophysiology (Stannius's experiment) and electroencephalography. Since 1829, professor of physiology in Munich. In 1868–75 director of the Physiological Institute in Berlin. Works on animal and human physiology. Author of the “simple nerve” theory. For the first time he discovered the electrical activity of the human brain.

Otto von Stannius is a famous German biologist, physiologist and physicist who made a huge contribution to the development of electrophysiology. He is famous for his Stannius experiment, which was the first to discover electrical activity in the brain.

Stannius's experiment was carried out in 1850 and became one of the most significant discoveries in the field of electrophysiology of that time. He used electrodes to measure the electrical activity of the brain in a patient in deep sleep. The results of the study were published in the journal Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten.

Stannius's experience was the first step towards understanding how the human brain works. He showed that the brain is not only capable of processing information, but can also generate electrical impulses that can be measured. This discovery became the basis for the development of modern electroencephalography, which is used to diagnose and treat many diseases of the nervous system.

In addition, Stannius's experience was of great importance for the development of electrophysiology in general. He proved that electrical signals can be used to study the functioning of the brain and its interaction with other organs and systems of the body. This has allowed scientists to better understand how the nervous system and brain function and to develop new treatments for various diseases.

Thus, Stannius’s experience is one of the most significant discoveries in the history of electrophysiology and is of great importance for modern medicine and science in general.

Stannius Experience

Stannius is a famous Austrian biologist and physiological naturalist, a representative of evolutionary materialism. He made a huge contribution to the development of psychology and neuropsychology.

Undoubtedly, Stanislav von Stanius is one of the most famous representatives of biological science of the second half of the 19th century. He is distinguished not only by the originality of his scientific research, but also by his extraordinary eloquence when giving lectures and working in publishing houses.

Biography and scientific activities

Stanislaw von Stanius was born in 1817 in the city of Vienna. At the age of 11, Stannius began to be taught logic and mathematics. Among his teachers was the famous mathematician Steinach.

At the age of 16, Stanius moved to Leipzig, where he continued his studies in the medical program, and then entered the medical faculty of the university. He had to simultaneously study medicine, philology, literature and philosophy.