Star Figure

A star figure in ophthalmology is an ophthalmoscopic change in the fundus of the eye that resembles a multirayed star and can be detected in the macula area in some forms of retinopathy. This phenomenon is associated with changes in the retinal vascular system and can cause various symptoms, such as decreased visual acuity, distorted color perception, and others.

The lens of a star is another name for the shape of a star. This term is used to refer to another ophthalmological phenomenon associated with changes in the lens of the eye. The star lens can be observed in various diseases, such as cataracts, glaucoma and others. It manifests itself as a change in the shape of the lens and can lead to visual impairment.

Treatment for star shape and star lens depends on the cause and may include medication, laser correction, or surgery. In any case, you need to consult an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and treatment.