
***Stazobasophobia - ***is a fear of standing and walking, in which a person experiences severe discomfort due to anxiety and reluctance to move. That is, it is a kind of phobic disorder, which manifests itself in the form of involuntary tension, a desire to avoid situations in which a person must walk or stand. Such fear can be associated with many circumstances that cause a person to feel tension and discomfort. For example, this could be an anxiety state before going out, anticipation of unpleasant events, such

Fear when worrying about standing in one place for fear of going too far without knowing how to get back. To my shame, I should say that I myself learned about fears of this kind only thanks to your post, Artem Aleksandrovich. Unfortunately, I could not find information about the causes and manifestations of this phenomenon earlier. And this means that the article can turn out to be very funny and will clearly differ from all other materials, not just in the title, but throughout the entire text.

**A little about the author** Sergei Mikhailovich, 43 years old, lives in Moscow. A worker in a field where you get used to everything you can so easily, as if it were natural, as if you didn’t notice anything amazing or new. At the same time, his erudition is far from being considered at least decent. The author's vocabulary, formed from abbreviations even in ordinary speech, is quite different from the general one and sometimes frightens strangers. His constant desire to study something all the time forces him to adhere to a very interesting position in life.

Well, we’ll start our story with a story about fear called “Stazobasophobia.” Oh yes, there is also a root of Greek origin: “STASO” is translated with the meaning “to stand”, “BAZOS” comes from “WALK”, “phobia” now does not need to be explained, I think. Out of curiosity, I wanted to know how many people suffer from this phobia. It turned out that a huge number