Stenosis Subaortic Hypertrophic Idiopathic

An article about Subaortic-hypertrophic stenosis, Iopopatastic (subventricular hypertrophic idiopathic stenosis), diastolic obstructive aortic region of the heart, which is manifested by symptoms of left ventricular circulatory failure

Subaorutal hypertrophic idiopathic stenosis is a somatic disorder of the cardiovascular system that combines obstructive cardiomyopathy, myocardial dystrophy, aortic dilatation and stenotic coronary syndrome. Also known as obstructive cardiomyopathy. The occurrence of this pathology is caused by a decrease in the diameter of the middle section of the aorta, while the load on the left ventricle increases, which subsequently leads to the development of heart failure.

Clinically, the disease is manifested by the development of complaints of exhaustion, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, pain in the chest and abdomen. In severe cases, fainting may develop with loss of consciousness and a sharp drop in blood pressure. When examining a patient, the doctor determines stenosis of the left ventricular outlet by auscultation of the heart, electrocardiography, echocardiography and Doppler ultrasound.

Treatment of subatarural hypertrophic idiopathic stenosis is prescribed individually by the attending physician; it may include medication and surgical intervention. The goal is to improve hemodynamics in the heart and increase its endurance. Drug treatment is aimed at lowering blood pressure, improving function