Sterility (Sterility)

Sterility is a condition where a person is incapable of fertilization and reproduction. This may be due to various reasons, including infertility or an intentional act that results in loss of reproductive capacity.

One way to achieve sterility is through a procedure called sterilization. This procedure can be performed on both women and men. In women, this may involve removal of the ovaries or uterus, and in men, removal of the seminiferous tubules. These procedures are performed as contraceptive measures and result in complete loss of reproductive capacity.

However, sterility can also develop as a result of other reasons. For example, a botched operation or drug treatment following a hysterectomy due to cancer can result in a woman becoming sterile.

Infertility can also be a cause of sterility. Infertility is a condition where a couple is unable to conceive a child. This can be caused by various reasons such as hormonal imbalances, reproductive system abnormalities or immune system disorders.

The degree of sterility may also vary from person to person. In some cases, sterility may be temporary and can be corrected with treatment. In other cases, sterility may be permanent and irreversible.

Although sterility can be caused by a variety of reasons, it can have serious consequences for a person's psychological and emotional well-being. In such cases, it is important to get support and advice from specialists to help manage the condition.

The problem of infertility and childhood disability has become an increasingly pressing problem in modern society. Almost every fifth family is faced with an infertile marriage, and about every fourth couple is born with a child with problems of physical or mental development. These figures indicate that the percentage of “unwanted” pregnancies is growing in proportion to the total number of abortions. There are various methods of contraception and their combinations that help avoid unwanted pregnancy. However, this is not always possible, so for a number of families the optimal solution is to “protect” themselves by carrying out special operations - sterilization, because this is the only way to temporarily eliminate the likelihood of pregnancy and infertility. In this case, artificial cessation of reproductive function should occur as soon as possible, but always after a thorough examination of the patient.

Sterilization is a surgical procedure that is performed when it is not possible for a married couple to have children or to avoid further unwanted pregnancies. Because the

Sterility is the inability of an organism to produce viable offspring, due either to a lack of sexual dimorphism or to the premature death of reproductive cells and organs in humans or other animals, including fish. The concept of sterilization is fundamental to the science of genetics and reproduction. It refers to the ability of animals and plants to produce offspring and is observed in almost all living organisms. In the case of humans, the concept of “sterility” is closely related to the concept of infertility, that is, the natural inability of people to procreate. This can be caused by genetic, endocrine, anatomical, oncological and other reasons.

Sterilized organisms usually exhibit sterility and promiscuous reproduction. However, in some cases, sterility may occur due to intentional or accidental interventions such as surgical castration, infertility therapy, or the use of contraceptives. In addition, human sterility can also occur as a result of congenital disorders or genetic mutations.

One of the main reasons for human sterility is the multiplicity of mutant variants associated with chromosomal abnormalities, malignancies or hormonal imbalances. It should also be noted that some forms of sterility may involve the absence of certain sex chromosomes, as well as combinations of different types of genetic abnormalities.

If sterility occurs due to unsuccessful surgery, it is due to damage to the reproductive organs or the hypothalamus, which controls sexual arousal and the ovulation cycle. Lack of ovulation or gland dysfunction can cause sterility, which can also impair the function of other reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries