
Sterilization: consequences for women's health and manifestations of menopausal syndrome

Sterilization is a surgical procedure that results in permanent loss of fertility in women and men. In this article we will look at the consequences of sterilization for women's health and the manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

Women who are deprived of ovaries or whose uterus has been removed do not menstruate. The mechanism for the cessation of menstruation can be different, but it is often associated with the cessation of ovulation, estrogen production and atrophy of the uterine mucosa. After surgical removal of the ovaries, there is a sharp and sudden decrease in estrogen hormones, which can cause severe symptoms such as hot flashes and profuse sweating.

Climacteric syndrome is a combination of various dysfunctions of the body that occur in women during menopause. Neuropsychiatric symptoms may include irritability, nervousness, mental distress, insomnia, fear, depression, lack of appetite or greed. Cardiovascular symptoms may include migraines, flashing vision, impotence, hypertension, edema, paresthesia, vasospasm, dermographism, sweating, and hot flashes. Endocrine symptoms may include mild forms of functional disorders of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, which can manifest itself in fatigue, feeling cold, changes in body weight, a tendency to lose weight, joint diseases and other symptoms.

Women who have been sterilized may experience more severe menopausal symptoms than women who experience it naturally. This is because sterilization can cause a sharp and sudden change in hormonal levels, which in turn can lead to more severe menopausal symptoms.

However, the course of artificial menopause can occur physiologically and gradually, and the body can gradually adapt to changes in the hypothalamus and the hormonal activity of the endocrine glands. If a woman experiences strong symptoms of menopausal syndrome after sterilization, she may need to consult a specialist and prescribe appropriate therapy.

In conclusion, sterilization can lead to various consequences for women's health, including manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Women who have been sterilized may experience more severe symptoms of menopause than women who experience it naturally. However, the course of artificial menopause can occur physiologically and gradually, and in most cases does not require special therapy. In case of severe symptoms of menopausal syndrome, women are advised to consult a specialist for consultation and prescribing appropriate therapy.

Sterilization (from the Latin _sterilis_ - sterile) is the release of animals or people from the ability to reproduce sexually with the aim of either completely stopping the reproduction process or limiting it irreversibly. In the first case, the term “infanticide” is used. The purpose of sterilization is to introduce more “productive” organisms into the population. The procedure makes it possible to achieve similarity in the level of performance of individuals using all the same approaches to maintain their viability. Thanks to this, the overall result of their activity processes will be more stable, without arbitrary deviations. In livestock farming, sterilization has a number of advantages, such as reducing the cost of keeping livestock and reducing the reproduction of animals, many of which are pests. Sterilization also helps in the fight against diseases associated with reproduction, some


**Sterilization -** is a method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases, in which germs and viruses are destroyed or are not allowed to develop in the body. There are several types of sterility: chemical, mechanical, chemical + mechanical.

Sexual sterilization is carried out only for medical reasons and only by qualified specialists. An important factor is the mandatory consent of both parties. The initiator of the procedure is doctors; partners are notified of this decision in advance. Examinations with tests and ultrasound results are required.

The treatment can be carried out by both women and men. Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a thorough examination, which may also include a spermogram. It is important to remember that you will need to obtain a certificate about the activities carried out and the rules for using condoms during sexual intercourse. If both partners lead a healthy life, they do not have sexually transmitted diseases in their bodies