Rod Snail (Modiolus)

The core of the cochlea (Modiolus) is the conical central part (axis) of the bony cochlea of ​​the inner ear. It is cone-shaped and consists of spongy bone tissue. The rod of the cochlea serves as a support for the spiral organ - the main part of the hearing apparatus of the inner ear.

The tympanic membrane is located on the Rod of the Cochlea, to which the bases of the auditory ossicles - the malleus, incus and stapes - are attached. These bones transmit vibrations from the eardrum inward, to the spiral organ.

Thus, the Rod of the Cochlea plays an important role in the process of auditory perception, being a supporting structure for the main elements of the auditory analyzer of the inner ear.

The cochlear shaft is the conical central part of the bony cochlea, which is the main part of the human inner ear. The cochlea is an organ of hearing and balance, which is located in the pyramids of the temporal bones. The cochlea rod consists of two parts: the rod and the rod, which meet at the center of the cochlea.

The rod of the cochlea performs an important function in the functioning of the inner ear. It is a conductor of sound and ensures the transmission of information about sounds to the brain. The spine also plays a role in coordinating body movements and maintaining balance.

The cochlea consists of three sections: vestibular, auditory and auditory. Each department has its own function and structure. The vestibular region is responsible for balance, the auditory region is responsible for hearing, and the auditory region is responsible for the perception of sounds.

In the center of the cochlea there is a rod, which consists of bone tissue and is the main element of the cochlea. It is cone-shaped and is the central part of the cochlea. The rod conducts the sound signal from the outer ear to the inner ear.

In addition, the rod of the cochlea plays an important role in the functioning of the inner ear. It ensures coordination of body movements and provides balance. The rod consists of several layers, each of which performs its own function.

Thus, the rod of the cochlea is an important part of the inner ear, which plays a key role in human hearing and balance.

Like many other marine inhabitants, snails have a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. One of the most interesting and unique members of the marine snail family is the Modiolus (rod cochlea), a conical structure located in the center of the bony cochlea in the inner ear of many marine snail species. Despite its visual attractiveness and unique properties, for a long time it was unclear what function the cochlea rod performs.

The fashion for earrings with a horn stylized as a sea snail revives the image of a bracelet for wearing it. The snail bracelet appeared in Russia in 2015, and last year it was sold for 468 thousand rubles. The snail is one of the most endearing creatures in the world. They are diverse, defenseless, have an unusual shape and behavior. In their habitats, snails are greenish in color. Many appendages extend from the walls of the trunk. There are cilia inside the shell that help the snail move along the bottom. And the snail's mouth is one of the sensitive parts of the body. Snail shells are most often spiral, and in shape and size they can be both small and large. Most often, snails lead a solitary lifestyle; some can form groups to protect themselves from each other. How people of different sciences from different fields and even different countries did not scold the person who created such a unique creation! But in vain... The snail fashion has proven to be a profitable financial investment. After all, despite the fact that fashionistas from all over the world simply chew whole tons of these shellfish, the price for them has recently increased significantly. Some fashion magazines present a mesh accessory either in the form of a snail's muzzle, or a full-fledged skirt, the upper part of which consists of elements of the snail's body from the tips of the cilia to the large pale shell. Thus, the fashion for the “modiolus boa” has captured all areas of our everyday life: from the style of clothing and accessories to home decoration and use in cooking.

Snail farming is gaining popularity among vegetarians, although many of them prefer snail eggs. China is one of the main suppliers of snails to the world market, however, some parts of the world have around 50 million snails, making them an affordable resource for farms. Today, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture uses these farms for research, but they are also the main source of the global collagen industry. And it follows that a fairly large percentage of modern skin, hair and nail care products are obtained from snail mucus. Often fashion is like a knife through butter: it practically cuts into pieces the “body” of any prohibitions and taboos. What happened to the snails that were banned from being eaten? But nothing, they quickly adapted and have been replacing the scarce species for a long time