Stigma Hysterical

Somatic (bodily) symptoms of hysterical movement disorders Phenomena that affect any muscle and are manifested by a general or partial increase in muscle tone. These include “scanting speech” (excessively clear repetition of individual words), “choreiform (choreic, choreic) twitching”, “muscle atrophy”, “alien hand syndrome”, “pyramidal conditions”, etc. Parasitic stigmas are symptoms of a pathological nature, caused by the harmful effects of household insects. They manifest themselves as burns, eczema, localized in places of contact between humans and insects. The insects themselves are often not detected. Parasitic "imitation" diseases are an occupational disease of female sanitation workers.

Diseases of the neuropsychic sphere. 80% of patients experience agitation, illusions and hallucinations, 15% have disorganized motor behavior, dysarthria, and dysphagia. Approximately the same number of people report the presence of visual illusions and fainting. In addition, such patients report feelings of fullness and compression of the head, pain in the heart and behind the sternum. Convulsions

Stigma is a mark in people’s minds that reflects society’s ideas about a person. These ideas vary across cultures and often differ even among members of the same culture. In this sense, we can talk about the existence of several realities living next to each other. For example, in Russian culture there are several realities