Stilla Symptom

Stilla Symptom: Significant indicator of the disease

Still's symptom, named after the English physician George August Still (1851-1942), is one of the important clinical signs of certain diseases. This medical term refers to detectable symptoms that may be observed in patients and serve as an indicator of the presence of a specific pathological condition.

Still's symptom is primarily associated with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA), also known as Moro-Still's disease. It is a rare chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the joints and can lead to high fever, rash and general malaise. Still's symptom within this disease is an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees Celsius or higher, which lasts for at least two weeks and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms such as rashes, lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes) and hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen).

However, Still's symptom is not limited to systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. It may also be observed in other diseases, including infectious processes, rheumatic diseases, lymphomas and other systemic disorders. In these cases of Stilla, the symptom manifests as an unexplained fever, often accompanied by characteristic clinical signs such as rashes, joint pain, and enlarged lymph nodes and organs.

Diagnosis of a still symptom requires an integrated approach, including collection of the patient’s medical history, physical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies. It is important to identify the underlying disease that may be causing the still symptom and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of still symptoms is related to the underlying disease. For systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, and physical therapy are used to reduce inflammation and symptoms. For other possible causes of still symptoms, treatment will depend on the diagnosis and may include antibiotics, antivirals, immunosuppressives, or surgery if necessary.

In conclusion, Stilla sign is an important clinical sign that helps doctors diagnose certain diseases. It may be associated with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and other infectious or rheumatic conditions. Early identification of still symptom and accurate diagnosis of the underlying disease play an important role in the effective treatment and management of these conditions. If you experience symptoms consistent with a stilla symptom, it is important to see a doctor for a detailed examination and receive the necessary treatment.