Cardiac Stimulation Atrioventricular

Cardiac pacing is a technique in which the patient receives electrical stimulation of the heart, which helps control the heart rhythm and provides additional blood flow. This may be helpful for some heart diseases and other conditions such as bradycardia or atrioventricular block (AV block).

AV blocks are conditions in which the electrical impulse generated in the sinus node is not transmitted further to the ventricles of the heart, resulting in a slow heart rate and circulatory failure.

Pacing the heart can sometimes help prevent complications associated with AV block, such as congestive heart failure (CHF), which occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle. Patients with persistent AV block often experience symptoms of CHF, such as fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities, heart pain, and others. These symptoms may improve with cardiac stimulation.

In addition, cardiac pacing may reduce the need for medications to control heart rate during out-of-hospital situations. Patients with AV block are already prescribed antiarrhythmic drugs, which can cause side effects and reduce quality of life. Cardiac stimulation helps achieve the same effect, that is, correction of heart rhythm without the need for medication.

The efficiency of AV cardiac stimulation can reach up to 95%. However, this method has its own risks and limitations. For example, there is a high incidence of side effects such as arrhythmia, chest pain, fatigue and occasional cardiac arrest. Each patient is unique and responds to stimulation individually, so before using it, it is necessary to conduct an examination and consultation with a cardiologist. In conclusion, AV pacing is an effective treatment for bradycardia and AV block. It improves the quality of life of patients and controls the symptoms of CHF. However, it is important to remember that each method has its own advantages and risks, and a thorough examination, including an examination of the patient's heart, must be performed before using it.