Stock, Merger (Conflu Ence)

Drain, Confluence (Conflu Ence) - connection point. The confluence of the sinuses is the junction of the superior sagittal, transverse, direct and occipital venous sinuses of the dura mater of the inner surface of the occipital bone.

The confluence of the sinuses is located in the posterior cranial fossa, where venous blood drains from the cranial cavity. Here there is a connection of four main sines:

  1. The superior sagittal sinus, which receives blood from the substance of the brain.

  2. The transverse sinus, which collects blood from the lateral and unpaired parts of the brain.

  3. The straight sinus drains blood from the cerebellum and occipital lobes of the cerebrum.

  4. The occipital sinus, which drains blood from the posterior parts of the brain.

At the confluence of the sinuses, blood from the cranial cavity flows into the jugular veins and then enters the venous system of the body. Thus, the confluence of sinuses plays an important role in venous drainage from the cranial cavity and brain.

Drain, Confluence or Conflu Ence is the junction point of various blood vessels in the brain, which plays an important role in the normal functioning of the brain. This junction point is located on the inner surface of the occiput and connects the superior sagittal, transverse, straight and occipital venous sinuses of the dura mater.

The confluence of sinuses is where these four sinuses join together to form a single blood flow system that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain. This compound is important for normal brain function as it allows blood to be distributed evenly throughout the brain, providing it with oxygen and nutrients.

However, if this connection point is damaged, it can lead to various brain diseases such as stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage or even tumors. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of this connection point and, if necessary, carry out treatment to restore it.

In general, drainage, confluence or confluence is an important junction point of the blood vessels of the brain and plays a key role in its normal functioning. However, if it is damaged, it can lead to serious brain diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and, if necessary, consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Displacement of the central point of the head circumference up or down relative to the frontal plane. The confluence of sinuses is the point at which the superior sagittal, transverse, straight and occipital venous sinuses of the dura mater join. In other words, this is where the veins attach to the back of the head and converge.

The process of fusion of sinuses may be associated with high pressure inside the skull or pathological changes in the vertebral arteries, which lead to deformation of the vein. This can have serious health consequences, including headaches and vision problems.

Treatment and prevention of sinus fusion include drug therapy, physical therapy, and surgical methods. Doctors advise avoiding high strain on the neck, as well as avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking.

The presence of sinus fusion is a common problem that can occur in people of all ages and genders. However, in many cases, sinus fusion can be prevented and successfully treated if this pathology occurs.