Scirrhous, Condensed (Scirrhous)

Scirrhous: Understanding Fibrous Cancer

In the world of oncology, there are many terms used to classify and describe different types of cancer. One of these terms is scirrhous, compacted (scirrhous), refers to a special type of cancer, which is characterized by certain features and cellular structure. In this article we will take a closer look at this type of cancer and its properties.

Scirrhosis, indurated carcinoma, also known as fibrous carcinoma, is a group of carcinomas that feel rocky to the touch. This type of cancer most often occurs in the breast, but can also develop in other organs and tissues. It gets its name from the characteristic fibrous structure of the tumor, which is formed from dense connective tissue.

The main characteristic of scirrhous cancer is the penetration and invasion of the tumor into surrounding tissues and organs. This occurs due to increased production of collagen and other connective fibers that form the structure of the tumor. As a result, the tumor becomes hard and compacted, which distinguishes it from other types of cancer.

The clinical manifestations of scirrhous cancer can vary depending on the organ that is affected. However, common symptoms may include disruption of the shape and structure of the organ, compaction and thickening of tissue, as well as the formation of tumor nodes or compactions that are felt upon palpation.

Diagnosis of scirrhous cancer involves various examination methods such as mammography, ultrasound, biopsy and tissue analysis. Determining the exact diagnosis and stage of the cancer allows you to determine the optimal treatment plan.

Treatment for scirrhous cancer may include surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these. The choice of method depends on many factors, including the stage of the cancer, the location of the tumor, and the general condition of the patient.

It is important to note that scirrhous cancer is usually characterized by a low degree of cell differentiation, which means that they are atypical and the tumor behaves more aggressively. This may affect the prognosis and survival of patients. Early detection and timely treatment play an important role in the fight against this type of cancer.

In conclusion, scirrhous, indurated (Fibrous) - this term is used to describe carcinomas that feel stony to the touch. Such a carcinoma, for example, a breast tumor, is called scirrhus or fibrous cancer (scirrhus).

Scirrhous, also known as fibrous cancer, is a term used to describe a particular type of cancer that exhibits specific characteristics and cellular structure. In this article, we will take a closer look at this type of cancer and its properties.

Scirrhous, or fibrous cancer, belongs to a group of carcinomas that feel stony to the touch. This type of cancer is most commonly found in the breast, but it can also develop in other organs and tissues. It gets its name from the characteristic fibrous structure of the tumor, which is formed by dense connective tissue.

The main characteristic of scirrhous cancer is the invasion and infiltration of the tumor into the surrounding tissues and organs. This occurs due to increased production of collagen and other connective fibers, which form the structure of the tumor. As a result, the tumor becomes firm and compact, setting it apart from other types of cancer.

The clinical manifestations of scirrhous cancer can vary depending on the affected organ. However, common symptoms may include changes in the shape and structure of the organ, thickening and hardening of tissues, as well as the formation of nodules or palpable lumps.

The diagnosis of scirrhous cancer involves various methods of examination, such as mammography, ultrasound, biopsy, and tissue analysis. Determining the precise diagnosis and stage of the cancer helps determine the optimal treatment plan.

The treatment of scirrhous cancer may involve surgical intervention to remove the tumor, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or their combination. The choice of method depends on multiple factors, including the stage of the cancer, the localization of the tumor, and the overall condition of the patient.

It is important to note that scirrhous cancer is usually characterized by a low degree of cell differentiation, which means the cells are atypical and the tumor exhibits more aggressive behavior. This can impact the prognosis and survival rate of patients. Early detection and timely treatment play a crucial role in combating this type of cancer.

In conclusion, scirrhous, or fibrous cancer, is a type of carcinoma that feels stony to the touch. It is characterized by a dense fibrous structure and invasive behavior. Understanding the nature of scirrhous cancer is essential for its early detection and effective management. Further research and advancements in cancer treatment are needed to improve outcomes for patients diagnosed with this type of cancer.

Скиррозные, уплотненные (scirrhoic) карциномы – это тип злокачественных опухолей, которые могут быть каменистыми на ощупь. Они называются также скиррами или фиброзными раками. Этот термин используется в медицине для описания опухолей, которые имеют твердую и каменистую структуру.

Скиррозная, уплотненная карцинома может возникать в различных органах тела, включая молочную железу, легкие, печень и другие. Она может быть вызвана различными факторами, такими как курение, алкоголь, радиация и некоторые лекарства.

Опухоль молочной железы, называемая скиррозом, является одним из наиболее распространенных типов рака молочной железы. Она имеет твердую, каменистую текстуру и может быть очень болезненной. Лечение скирроза включает хирургическую операцию, химиотерапию и лучевую терапию.

В целом, скиррозные опухоли являются очень опасными и требуют немедленного лечения. Однако, если они обнаружены на ранней стадии, то могут быть успешно вылечены. Поэтому, важно проходить регулярные обследования и обращаться к врачу при любых подозрительных симптомах.

***Скиррозные уплотнения в груди*** — это нарушения, при которых пораженный участок опухоли имеет каменистый, плотный характер, не прощупывается и причиняет больной дискомфорт в процессе пальпации. Этот диагноз свидетельствует о сложной и быстро прогрессирующей форме рака, которая требует длительного и внимательного лечения. Чаще всего скиррозы наблюдаются у женщин.

Объяснить медицинское явление можно следующим образом. При раке молочной железы пораженными оказываются мышечные волокна, прилегающие к внутренней капсуле новообразования. Дистрофические изменения вкупе с хаотичными клетками приводят к деформации мышц, появлению узелков и опухолей каменистого типа.