Stomatitis Erythematous

Stomatitis erythematus is an inflammation of the oral mucosa. This occurs when the mucous membrane becomes inflamed due to the occurrence of any disease. Canker sores are usually an unpleasant symptom of something more serious. They can lead to sore mouth, bleeding gums and obvious changes in the functioning of the salivary glands. Let's talk about the causes and treatment of this phenomenon.

Stomatitis is a fairly common disease. When it occurs, a person develops painful ulcers on the tongue and palate, which can itch and cause discomfort. This condition is called stomatitis. Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Everyone has probably suffered from such a disease at least once. But still, let's look at the causes of this disease. The causes of stomatitis are very different: lack or insufficient oral hygiene, poor environment, infectious diseases, endocrine disorders, allergic reactions, irrational use of medications, as well as reasons such as fungal infection of the gums, uneven teeth configuration. Sometimes bad habits (smoking) lead to the development of the disease.

Typical signs of stomatitis include the symmetrical location of areas of inflammation on one of the cheeks, and in rare cases - on the palatal floor. Some patients complain of a burning sensation, itching or numbness in the affected area of ​​the body. The tongue may be dry and covered with a gray coating. Some people experience increased body temperature, nausea, weakness, and changes in taste and smell are common. It should also be noted that any pinching or chewing provokes increased pain during stomatitis; acute pain can cause general malaise. This type of stomatitis is easily eliminated with the help of rinsing solutions (Miramistin or any antiseptic) containing antibiotics. One of the main remedies is a solution of soda and salt. You can make it yourself: add one teaspoon each of sea salt and soda to a glass of boiled water. After thoroughly rinsing, rinse your mouth with clean water so that the soda and salt can be absorbed into the mucous membrane. This way you can eliminate pathogenic microflora. Do not forget that if you have stomatitis in the acute stage, then eating is strictly prohibited. The irritation will be even greater. There is nothing worse than an infection that spreads even deeper. Immediately after the condition improves, you can begin to eliminate the disease. The most common drugs for the treatment of stomatitis are antiseptics. These include iodine, furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine. These substances can kill most pathogenic microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria and viruses. An antiseptic rinse can slow down the proliferation of microorganisms. Chlorhexedine and water peroxide have great benefits. After using these solutions, rinse your mouth with clean, warm water and a small amount of baking soda. It will soften sensitive mucous membranes and provide comfort. Drink less cold water to avoid complications and complications.