Mycotic stomatitis

Stomatitis is inflammation of the oral mucosa.

Stomatitis is one of the diseases of the oral mucosa that requires emergency treatment. The occurrence of stomatitis is not always associated with dental caries. Stomatitis is divided into traumatic and infectious. Traumatic lesions of the mucous membrane occur due to mechanical impact as a result of biting the mucous membrane or contact with the mucous membrane with food, medicine (chemical burns), etc. With these lesions, inflammation with erosion of only the surface may occur; after epithelization of the defect, healing occurs without any complications .

Mycotic stomatitis (S. mycoticum) is a severe and dangerous infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. This is a very common disease in children, especially toddlers, who often suffer from low immunity or poor oral care. Mycotic stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of white cheesy scabs on the mucous membrane of the mouth and teeth. They may be accompanied by pain, tissue swelling and other symptoms such as fever and headache. Infection with the causative agent of the disease - a fungus of the genus Candida. It is characterized by the appearance of yeast-like colonies of round or oval shape. Colonies of this fungus look like swollen, bright red spots on the skin around the lips and on the tongue with clear boundaries. The affected area may expand to include the buccal mucosa