
A dentist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. It is a key part of the oral and dental health care system, which is an important part of a person's overall health.

Dentistry is a field of medicine that deals with the study of the structure and function of the teeth, gums, tongue, and other tissues of the oral cavity. Dentists perform various procedures such as teeth cleaning, fillings, dentures, removal of teeth and gum deposits, as well as treatment of caries and other dental diseases.

Dentists use a variety of instruments and technologies to treat teeth. For example, they may use drills and lasers to remove cavities and other dental damage. They can also use special materials to restore damaged teeth and create dentures.

One of the important aspects of a dentist’s work is the prevention of dental and oral diseases. Dentists recommend regularly visiting the clinic for preventive examinations and teeth cleaning. They can also provide advice on proper nutrition and dental care to reduce your risk of disease.

Dentistry is an important part of general medical practice. Healthy teeth and mouth play an important role in a person's overall health, so regular visits to the dentist are essential. If you notice any problems with your teeth or oral cavity, be sure to consult a dentist who can help solve these problems and keep your teeth healthy.

A dentist is a doctor who specializes in treating teeth and the oral cavity. Dentists treat caries, gum disease, and prevent dental diseases.

The main types of work of a dentist:

  1. Examination and diagnosis of the condition of the patient’s teeth and gums
  2. Treatment of caries - drilling cavities, filling teeth
  3. Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis - removal of nerves or root canals
  4. Tooth extraction if necessary
  5. Dental prosthetics - installation of crowns, bridges and removable dentures
  6. Teeth whitening
  7. Oral hygiene - cleaning and polishing teeth

To work, the dentist uses special equipment - a drill, a sandblaster, a laser, etc. He must follow the rules of asepsis and antisepsis to prevent the spread of infections. A qualified dentist provides patients with quality care in the treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

Dentist is one of the most sought after specialists in the whole world. Taking care of oral health should be carried out from birth to old age. No matter how much they say that dental treatment costs nothing, the process itself may be short, but extremely painful and unpleasant.

It is not very pleasant when something bothers the oral cavity and more and more often people have a desire to quickly get rid of the discomfort and visit the dentist. At any age, be it a child or an adult, the problem of caries worries and does not allow you to calmly enjoy life, escape from business and relax. This is where the dentist often saves people!

To understand why professional help is so important, just take a minute and remember how long you suffered from unbearable symptoms that were previously smoothed out with painkillers.